대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱예약
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱예약
“I will return to the palace.”“So you’re not going to the w
orkshop?”At that moment, I thought it was okay, butI n
o longer felt hungry.Thinking that anyone would under
stand, I headed straight to the palace.From then on, I
started thinking in earnest.Which one would be bette
r?The types of gambling industries were quite diverse.
For now, we decided to exclude things like lotteries.
There are also methods such as selling tickets and dra
wing a lottery to give away a new house, but there wil
l definitely be scammers who will try to forge it.
However, I couldn’t race.I couldn’t even think of ma
king a bicycle.The only option I had now was horse r
acing. Moreover, horse racing had one advantage o
ther than collecting taxes.It was the improvement o
f horse breeds.In horse racing, horses and jockeys a
re important.Those who are astute will probably qu
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱예약
ickly realize that this will make money.The way to
make more money is simple.All you have to do is fin
d a horse that is fast and has a good pedigree.
They will probably be quite busy trying to purchase
famous horses representing each country for a whi
le.“You must be hungry after eating some water, s
o please eat some fruit.”At that time, Shin So-bong
brought out snacks.What was on the plate was fru
it marinated in honey.I thought it was a good thin
g because I felt like my head was not working bec
ause I was low on sugar.What was desperately ne
eded now was coffee, but it was a time when such
a thing could not even be expected.Shin Sobong sa
w that I was bothering her about something again
and sneaked over to me.“But what have you been w
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱예약
orrying about so much?”“You too, come and sit d
own.”“How can your convictions help you?”“Isn’
t there a saying, ‘Isn’t it true that one is alone? “P
lease at least send a hand.”It was easy to think o
f horse racing.But there was a bigger problem tha
n expected.That is, I have never really watched a
horse race before.It’s because I wasn’t interested
in that in the first place.I had heard of words like s
ingle victory and double victory, but I knew nothin
g more than that. In the end, we had to create comp
letely new rules.I just erased all the complicated st
uff.The rules had to be created in a winner-takes-all
manner, with only the first place taking everything.
We also created a slightly special game there.
It was a mid- to long-distance horse racing event, a
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱예약
nd the goal was to select horses with good enduran
ce.A sprint to die for.It’s a useful ability when char
ging.However, the horses the soldiers rode had to ha
ve good endurance, even if they were a little slower
than that.Still, it was expected that long-distance ra
cing would not be considered boring because all kind
s of strategies would come up in its own way.